Using the Reference Models

To help you understand how 'good' your score is, there are two reference models loaded into DiAGRAM which can be used as benchmarks against which you can compare your own model(s).

The first is called 'Example - Commercial Backup' and is based on an archive that has no knowledge of digital preservation but outsources the data storage of its born-digital records. The archive has an inventory of the files but nothing more and it has not thought about preserving or rendering content, only storing the bit-stream. This reference model can be used as a lower benchmark and highlights that digital preservation means a lot more than just commercial backup.

The second is 'Example - Established National Archive' and represents the type of responses and score from a well-established and well-funded national archive. In this example there is a dedicated digital archive infrastructure to record and manage information about the material. Multiple copies of the bit-stream are maintained on- and off-site on stable media, and new copies are automatically made whenever an error is detected. The staff are experts in preservation practices and very active in the digital preservation community. The archive has reasonable control over metadata requirements from depositors.

These reference models were both created using DiAGRAM so you can see the inputs used. We have produced additional guidance on how these models were created and the reasoning behind each of the inputs. See the guidance for the 'Commerical Backup' example here and the 'Established National Archive' here.

How can I use these?

  • To understand how you are performing: these scores provide a benchmark so that you can compare and assess yourself against two other (fictitious but plausible) digital archives.
  • As a template to create your own model: you may wish to build a model for your archive by basing your answers on one of the reference models, adapting them where neccessary to better reflect your own archive.