View Results

Your result has been calculated from your answers to the questions combined with the data in the underlying network. This shows you the probability of successfully preserving your records in terms of the two main digital preservation outcomes: Renderability and Intellectual Control.

For example, if your score for Intellectual Control is 21, this means that out of a 100 files you are likely to have full knowledge of the material content, provenance and conditions of use for 21 of them. If your score for Renderability is 45 this means that out of a 100 files you would be able to provide a sufficiently useful representation of 45 of the original files.

If you would like to know more about how your results were calculated see Learn about Diagram.

To save your results to view offline or upload later go to Download a report.

In order to give you an idea of where your score puts your archive compared to others we have provided two reference models which will appear in the table below alongside your own models. See 'Using the reference models' to learn more about what they can tell you.

Select the models and scenarios to visualise